Yeah... I'm going to need a few more minutes.
I saw this photo at work, while diligently working... um, well... actually, I was surfing the web. Photo compliments of this article.
This man (in my opinion) is lick your lips georgous. Swoon.
I pretend I've never heard his music - or seen his dancing... and I swear on all that is holy... my cheeks get flushed. Very flushed. Sigh...
If you know me, you know I've got 'thing' for the latino men. Ricky Martin just hits the spot. And this photo takes the cake.
My husband is latino, and beautiful - and I love him eternally. (a plus is that the husband, thankfully, prefers women) - but if Ricky ever decides to give females a 'go' he will be at the top of my list. Ya know, the list of 5 celebs you could have a 'thing' with - and not ruin your exisiting (real life) relationship. Yeah, he might be my #1. Laugh all you want.
Who is on your list of 5???
spill it.
Love the pic! I'm happy for Ricky. :) He's not in my 5... but definitely a very good pic of him!