Wednesday, March 24, 2010

busted knee.

Well, I went to my first cycling class yesterday (tuesday).
I wanted to die. It was so hard. The cardio was awesome.

About 45 minutes into the one our class I kind of 'slipped' off a petal on one side. It wasn't a big deal and I kept cycling. A few minutes later, my knee started aching.

I slowed down for the rest of the day and took it very easy. It was very sore last night, but I figured I would just rest and feel better today.

Nope. Worse. Very much worse. I can't bend my knee past 90 degrees. It just won't go. Other positions make me scream in pain. This is bad news.

This is bad news on so many different levels. I teach dance for a living. If I can't bend my knee this creates a major issue. Major.

I'm going to the doctor tomorrow. I fully expect them to send me off for an MRI. I'm trying to stay positive but I'm very worried.

I'll keep you posted.


  1. Yikes! I hope you are okay and can recover quickly!

  2. Dude that stinks. Hopefully it is just sore and nothing major:)
