Friday, March 19, 2010

week two: weigh in

I gained a pound.

Don't really have much to say. Just frustrated. I did well 75% of the week and worked out three times. I know that I need to do 100% --- but reeeeeally.... no wiggle room??? The amount of effort but in this week was far and beyond what I was doing three weeks ago. What the hell. I thought the weight would come off easier in the beginning and get harder as my fat % decreased.


I'm off for the weekend to visit my inlaws with the husband. I'm sure there will be eating out for three meals of the day. Hopefully I can figure out the best choices with the situation at hand.


1 comment:

  1. The first week was probably a lot of water weight. But, don't get too down. Make sure to take a good look at what your eating (and write it down!) as well as get in lots of cardio.

    You might think about having some kind of accountability system with yourself. When I lost 15 pounds a few years ago I had a "cheat" jar, so to speak. I had to add a dollar to the jar any time I went off my diet (over calories or had a 'forbidden food') or every day I missed a workout (I had to workout 5 days/week). I'm cheap so it really helped me to not miss my workouts or over eat. You could even raise it and make it $2 or more for each blip. It just depends on what will get you to stay on course.

    Don't be too hard on yourself, otherwise you'll just end up throwing your hands up in frustration. Everyone has good weeks and bad weeks. Take this week to make up for it and work extra hard to over come this minor set back. Good luck!!!
